Afghanistan, Haiti, Iraq & Other Topics - Daily Press Briefing (25 August 2021)

The United Nations of Earth reporting on this issue: "Afghanistan, Haiti, Iraq & Other Topics - Daily Press Briefing (25 August 2021)"
The topics: Noon briefing by Stephane Dujarric, Spokesperson for the Secretary-General Highlights: - Afghanistan/Town Hall. - Haiti. - Iraq. - Algeria\Morocco. - Democratic Republic of the Congo. - Water. - Climate. AFGHANISTAN/TOWN HALL  The Spokesman confirmed that the Secretary-General held a town hall meeting with staff in Afghanistan to outline what the UN system is doing to keep people safe and to keep our operations running.   Most importantly, the Secretary-General was there to answer questions from staff in Kabul. He said that he understands the staff's deep anxiety about what the future holds, and said that we are taking measures to keep our staff safe and at the same time, ensuring that we are able to stay and deliver in Afghanistan in the face of mounting humanitarian needs. He and other senior officials at the UN are strongly engaging with all actors in Afghanistan and other Member States. HAITI   In Port-au-Prince, Ramesh Rajasingham, the Deputy Emergency Relief Coordinator, joined Haitian government officials and partners to launch a flash appeal to address the urgent needs of Haitians impacted by the August 14th earthquake, as well as tropical storm Grace.  IRAQ  The Secretary-General’s Special Representative for Iraq, Jeanine Hennis-Plasschaert, briefed Security Council members.  She said the clock is ticking with only 46 days left until Iraq goes to the polls on October 10th and noted the Independent High Electoral Commission has reached several milestones.  She added that the UN Mission continues to provide technical assistance wherever it can to the Commission.   Preparations are also underway for the UN monitoring of the elections, and the Mission is also stepping up its communication efforts aimed at informing the Iraqi voters on election preparations and related UN activities, sharing facts and figures, tackling misinformation and managing public expectations.  Full Highlights: https://www.un.org/sg/en/content/noon-briefing-highlight?date%5Bvalue%5D%5Bdate%5D=25%20August%202021

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