Afghanistan, Haiti, Myanmar & other topics - Daily Press Briefing (23 August 2021)

The United Nations of Earth reporting on this issue: "Afghanistan, Haiti, Myanmar & other topics - Daily Press Briefing (23 August 2021)"
The topics: Noon briefing by Stéphane Dujarric, Spokesperson for the Secretary-General. Highlights: - Afghanistan - Haiti - Security Council - Myanmar - South Sudan - Covid-19/Somalia - International Day for the Remembrance of the Slave Trade and its Abolition - Financial Contribution AFGHANISTAN The Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) today said that they are continuing to deliver aid in line with humanitarian principles. The response is ongoing across Afghanistan, including the provision of medicine and health services in fixed facilities and mobile clinics. In the past week, the World Health Organization (WHO) has distributed trauma and medical kits from existing supplies to hospitals in Kabul, Kunduz and Hilmand to support health services for tens of thousands of people in need. But supplies are dwindling and they need to be replenished. For its part, the World Food Programme (WFP) said that its operations have been continuing throughout Afghanistan, including food distributions and drought assessments. This past week alone, WFP has reached 80,000 people with some 600 metric tonnes of food commodities that came across land borders. OCHA stressed that the United Nations is clear: women must be able to work in order for Afghanistan to function, for their survival and so that they can provide for their families. Women are vital in delivering essential humanitarian services – including health and education. And again, we remind all parties that the delivery of humanitarian assistance requires unimpeded access for both male and female aid workers to assess, deliver and monitor assistance. The future of Afghanistan relies on creating an inclusive and enabling environment where all people, including women and girls, can thrive through their full, equal, and meaningful participation. Humanitarians are adapting operations to reach almost 16 million people in need in 2021 across Afghanistan. The country’s Humanitarian Response Plan for 2021, which requires $1.3 billion to help more than 18 million people, is 39 per cent funded leaving a deficit of about $786 million with less than half a year to go. In a statement released today, Henrietta Fore, the UN Children’s Fund Executive Director warned that around 10 million children across Afghanistan need humanitarian assistance to survive. She said that right now, UNICEF is scaling up its lifesaving programmes for children and women – including through the delivery of health, nutrition and water services to displaced families. The Secretary-General has been invited to participate in the virtual G7 special summit on Afghanistan. His message will be focused on the need for unity in the international community as we keep the interests of the Afghan people front and center. HAITI Building on the Deputy Secretary-General's visit to Haiti last week, the Assistant Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs, Ramesh Rajasingham, is currently in Haiti for a four-day visit. Today, the International Organization for Migration (IOM), launched a flash appeal for $15 million to help families impacted by the earthquake. The resources will help Haitian authorities with housing, temporary shelter, mental health support and COVID-19 prevention for some 137,000 families left critically vulnerable by the recent earthquake that struck southern Haiti. IOM has already set up bases in the most affected areas and additional hubs in Jeremie, Les Cayes and Miragoane. It is also using satellite imagery to analyze damage and distribute thousands of plastic sheets, hygiene kits, blankets, collapsible jerry cans, and kitchen sets to those impacted. The Deputy Secretary-General Amina Mohammed wrapped up her visit on Friday afternoon. She assured Haitians that the UN remains committed to working under the leadership of national and local authorities to assist not only in providing lifesaving support for the immediate response to the earthquake, but also during the reconstruction phase. MYANMAR From Myanmar, the UN team there today said that they will continue to call on security forces to ensure the protection of civilians, as the number of people killed in political violence in the country tops 1,000. Thousands more – many of them women and children – have been injured. The UN team strongly condemn the widespread use of lethal force, as well as other serious violations of human rights, including extrajudicial killing, arbitrary detention, torture, ill treatment, and enforced disappearances. More than six months since the military seized control over the democratically-elected Government of Myanmar on February 1st, more than 3,300 people remain in detention. They include politicians, authors, human rights defenders, teachers, health care workers, civil servants, journalists, monks, celebrities, and just ordinary citizens. Full Highlights: https://www.un.org/sg/en/content/ossg/noon-briefing-highlight?date%5Bvalue%5D%5Bdate%5D=23%20August%202021

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