#LetThemPlay: Children belong on the playing field, not the battlefield | World Cup | United Nations

Every year, thousands of boys and girls are robbed of their right to simply be children. Whether involved in active fighting, abducted, deprived of an education, or enduring the horrors of warfare on a daily basis, children are being dragged into wars they don’t belong to while entailing great physical and emotional risks. Let Them Play: A child’s place is on a football field, not a battlefield is an initiative of the Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General for Children and Armed Conflict to raise global awareness during the FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022 on the need to stop the use and abuse of children in armed conflict and to support boys and girls living in conflict areas to regain their right to be children. Produced by: @childreninwar #letthemplay #worldcup2022 #unitednations

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